Why You Need to Consider Steam Cleaner for Your Tile Flooring
You considered tile flooring because it is durable and it comes in different styles that will suit your demands and personality. Essentially, the tile surface is easy to clean but when it comes to its grout, dirt tends to accumulate.
A traditional mop can be considered but it is not very effective if you want to clean the grout. You can crudely get down on your knees with a brush to get rid of dirt accumulation but this is time-consuming. If you do not want to go through all this trouble for your floor, there is something that you can consider – tile floor steam cleaner.
If you are wondering why steam cleaners are practical for your tile flooring, you should know the following:
It is designed to be more effective
Steam mops are designed to be more effective than your traditional mop. This is because steam mops utilize water as steam to sterilize the floors. With this, you can expect that it will kill the dust mites, bacteria, and other allergens.
In fact, steam cleaners can sterilize the floors and other surfaces because it creates steam hotter than 200° F. An ordinary mop with water will only be 100° F preventing it to kill many germs and bacteria. However, with a steam cleaner, it can kill 99.9% of germs and bacteria.
Aside from sterilizing the floor, many users notice how it does not leave cloudy residue on surfaces. This is what makes the surfaces look shiner. More importantly, steam cleaners allow for a quicker drying compared to the traditional mop.
It is good for the environment
Using steam cleaners do not require any harsh chemicals like bleach to be effective. As mentioned, steam cleaners only utilize water as steam to sterilize the floors. At the end of the cleaning, there is no unpleasant smell. If you do not use chemicals, you are doing the environment a big favor. Aside from helping the environment, you can also save.
It is safe for any surface
In general, steam cleaners are safe to use on any surface including laminate flooring and hardwood floors. With this type of cleaner, it will not leave excess water on the floor, which can lead to warping and ruin. However, to be totally safe, you can always refer to the manufacturer’s cleaning instructions.
It is easy to use
Steam cleaners sound like hard to operate but it is far from the truth. When you look closely, steam cleaners are easy to use because it is lightweight. Since you can operate it from a standing position, it will save your arms from aching later. More importantly, it is easy to use because you will only need one tool – there are no complicated attachments.
It eliminates mold
For cleaning your bathroom, steam cleaners can eliminate growing mold. Remember that growing molds generate toxins and bleach cannot completely kill it. With hot steam and scrubbing, it can remove molds completely.