All the definition, steps and format to be followed to write a term paper
A term paper is a kind of research paper which is usually written by the students over the period of their academics term. It accounts for a very large part of their grade. It is also given to a student in school or in college to represent the achievements done by them during the exam. Well to write a term paper which can get students good rank requires a lot of research and hard work as its time-consuming the thing. Proper planning and management of the data, analytical skills, and many other things.
A term paper should be written in a specific format only. Like the format of economics, course is different from social studies so frame accordingly.
- Title page – this is a totally separate page apart from the main term paper. It contains the title, name of the candidate, course name, instructors name, and date of submitting the term paper.
- Acknowledgment – the page of acknowledgment will have the following information like the topic and give a description of it, explanation about the importance of that topic and the reason why you chose it and all the additional information it requires.
- Table of content – you must state all the questions that are actually included in the paper and a good briefing about them in the paper. Like in the literature review you will research methodologies and will give an explanation on it along with the procedure of implanting it in the correct way. Then as a result make the conclusion and then determine whether the hypothesis was actually right or not, give all the suggestions to the reader for all the further inquiry and research and then you should provide a reference list where you will list all the sources of information.
There is a perfect outline which should be followed if you want to write a good term paper and achieve a higher ranking.
- Introduction
- Body
- Heading 1
- Heading 2
- Heading 3
- Heading 4
- Conclusion
All the steps to be followed while writing a term paper.
There are certain steps which must be followed while writing a term paper and these are as follows:
- First and foremost the selection of the topic
- Then good research on the topic is necessary
- You should prepare the outline of the term paper
- Then you should write the proposal sample
- And at last, you should write the paper.